Thank you for your willingness to roll up your sleeves and get a LifeWise program started!

Thank you for your willingness to roll up your sleeves and get a LifeWise program started!

Here are 3 easy ways you can get this thing going in your community:

Spread the Word

Help rally support for Bible education! Copy the text and link below and share it via email, text and social media with anyone who lives, works or worships in your school district:


Have you heard of LifeWise Academy? It’s a program that provides Bible education for public school students DURING SCHOOL HOURS! I’m helping collect signatures to bring LifeWise to our community. We need 50 names. Would you mind taking one minute to add your name to the list? Visit and search for our school district.

Apply for the Steering Committee

It won’t be long before you’ll need a local Steering Committee to work with a LifeWise Program Coach to draft a logistical plan to be presented to school officials. This committee should consist of three to nine individuals from at least three local churches.

Could that be you?

Share With Your Church

Check out this step-by-step guide on how to share LifeWise with your church. We provide bulletin inserts, a downloadable slide, a video to share and even a script. You could grow your Community Interest List by hundreds of names in just one church service!

Explore More

Find additional tools and resources to learn more and spread the word!

We invite you to learn more about LifeWise at a


Lunch ‘n Learn
with the Founder

Founder & CEO

LifeWise Academy | PO Box 1179 Hilliard, OH 43026 | Copyright 2025