Our Program is live and open for enrollment
Enrollment is NOW OPEN for students in grades 3rd – 5th.
We are excited to teach Bible-based character education to Lost Lake Elementary School students! LifeWise Lost Lake is currently offered for students during lunch and recess one day a week. Students are shuttled to their LifeWise class by the LifeWise bus accompanied by the teacher and volunteers. They will not miss any class instruction time.
New students can enroll at any time using the “Enroll My Child” button below. Lake County School district requires their own permission form and must be completed prior to students attending classes. This permission form will be sent via email from the Program Director once she receives the completed online Permission Form.
Find us on Facebook at LifeWise Academy - Lost Lake - Lake County FL
Please contact our Director, Gwen Chambers, with any questions at gwendolynchambers@lifewise.org