Team Member Conduct

By choosing to serve in ministry, we are entering into a leadership role. Everyone we minister to and interact with (particularly young people) will watch us closely and take what we say seriously. Therefore, we must accept that being a Christ-like leader is all-encompassing. Character and lifestyle are of primary importance to our culture, so who we are during ministry should be consistent with who we are in every other role we find ourselves the remainder of the week, especially at work and in our homes.

As a LifeWise team member, you are expected to adhere to the following personal responsibilities and standards of conduct:

  • Personal Prayer and Bible Study: Each team member is expected to make personal prayer and Bible study a regular part of his/her life.

  • Local Church Involvement: Each team member is to actively participate in and submit to a local church whose doctrine and ministry are in agreement with our Statement of Faith.

  • Holiness: In accordance with Scripture, each team member is expected to live a life which is above reproach, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable and to act with a high level of consideration for those around him/her.

  • Sexual Purity: In accordance with Scripture, each team member is expected to agree with and commit to abide by the position that God’s design for the gift of sex is that it is to be exercised and enjoyed exclusively within the covenant relationship of marriage between one man and one woman. Additionally, a person’s sex has been given as a gift from God and should not be altered. (Gen. 1:26-28; Gen. 2:18-24; 1 Cor. 6:9-13; Col. 3:5; Rom 1:26-27)

  • Integrity: Each team member is expected to demonstrate honesty and the highest ethical standards in all ministry, business and personal dealings.

  • Attitude Toward Leadership: In accordance with Scripture, each team member is to humbly respect the authority of those in leadership positions.

  • Relationships: Each team member is expected to act professionally in all interactions, in person and on social media and explicitly prohibit any sexual or otherwise impure or unjust relationship. Those who are in a premarital romantic relationship are expected to conduct themselves in ways that reflect the biblical view of marriage between one man and one woman, maintaining the purity and integrity of their relationship.

  • Social Media: For any social networking site that involves requesting a connection, such as inviting someone to be a friend on Facebook, LifeWise team members shall not initiate such connections with youth. Team members shall treat their interaction with youth on social networking sites, as well as any electronic communication, as though the interaction were occurring in public in front of other adults and youth. Additionally, team members should generally avoid one-on-one texting and Private Messaging with students. If responding to a Private Message, team members should include another adult in the thread. LifeWise Team Members shall refrain from electronic interactions that can be seen by a reasonably prudent person as inappropriate in frequency, tone or content.

  • Illegal Drugs: The possession, use or sale of illegal drugs is prohibited and will constitute cause for immediate termination of employment or service.

LifeWise Academy | PO Box 1179 Hilliard, OH 43026 | Copyright 2025