Church liaison toolkit

Welcome! We’re so glad you’re linking arms with us as a LifeWise Liaison. Here, you’ll find all the resources you’ll need to help your local program through the 10-Step Launch Process and beyond. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at with any questions.

Interest phase

steps 1-3

1) Collect 50 Signatures

2) Join a Kickoff Meeting

3) Raise $500 Launch Fee

Estimated duration: 3-6 weeks

Through the first three steps of the launch process, your local LifeWise program gauges interest by collecting at least 50 signatures on a Community Interest List. Then, your community joins a Kickoff Meeting to raise awareness and gathers a $500 launch fee to kickstart the launch process.

Planning phase

steps 4-6

4) Form a Steering Committee

5) Draft a Plan

6) Obtain School Approval

Estimated duration: 6-9 weeks

Steps 4-6 encompass forming a Steering Committee of 3-9 members from various churches. The committee then drafts a T-Minus Plan and sets up a meeting with your local public school’s superintendent to obtain approval.

Implementation Phase

steps 7-9

7) Recruit Your Team

8) Train Your Team

9) Execute The Plan

Estimated duration: 9-16 weeks

Through Steps 7-9, your program recruits a team, including a Program Director and Advisory Leadership Board. Once the team has been recruited and trained, it’s time to execute the T-Minus Plan.

step 10

Launch Your Program!

Your program is now LIVE! God provided the team and the resources, and now LifeWise is reaching public school students with the gospel in YOUR community! God willing, the work has only just begun.

What We Believe

LifeWise Academy maintains a high view of the authority of Scripture and we align ourselves with historic, orthodox Christian beliefs as expressed in the Nicene Creed.

We believe the storyline of Scripture that climaxes in the central gospel message, that Jesus Christ died for our sins and was raised from the dead. We believe this gospel is true and essential and announces the way by which sinners are reconciled to God.

LifeWise Academy | PO Box 1179 Hilliard, OH 43026 | Copyright 2025