
9 AM-5 PM

November 11-12 [Hilliard, OH]

January 6-7 [Hilliard, OH]

Rave Reviews of

Past Attendees

“All of the speakers did a great job with their sessions. They made everything very clear and were able to answer all of our questions with ease.”

2022 Program Director Bootcamp Attendee

“I cannot wait to launch our program and I now feel better prepared to jump in!”

2023 Program Director Bootcamp Attendee

Our Schedule







Q. Who should attend?

All Program Directors are encouraged to attend on a yearly basis. New Directors will attend both days, while experienced Directors may choose to attend both days or just the second day for a deep-dive into special topics.

Q. What topics will be covered for Experienced Directors?

On Day 2, Experienced Directors will have the opportunity to participate in a mission-focused seminar, learn about strategic fundraising, talk about long-term program goals and more!

Q. When is it?

Bootcamps are held monthly in Hilliard, OH at Northwest Bible Church.

Q. Where is it located?

Hilliard, OH

Q. What time does it begin and end?

Bootcamp starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. on Day 1 and 4 p.m. on Day 2.

Q. What should I bring?

Bring your laptop and questions! You will be given a packet of resources and a pen at check-in. New Directors should also bring a draft of your program budget and policies and procedures.

Q. What should I wear?

Attire is casual—bonus points for LifeWise apparel!

Q. Will there be coffee?

Yes! Light refreshments, including coffee, will be provided in the morning and will remain available throughout the day.

Q. Will lunch be provided?

Yes, lunch will be provided! Please notify us of any dietary restrictions.

Q. What about dinner?

After Day 1, there is an optional dinner at a local restaurant. Details will be provided after registration.

Q. Will there be hotel accommodations?

We have reserved a block of rooms at a nearby hotel. Details will be provided after registration.


LifeWise Academy | PO Box 1179 Hilliard, OH 43026 | Copyright 2024