Anonymous Donations

Thank you for your interest in partnering with us to provide Bible education to public school students DURING SCHOOL HOURS!

Donations made on our website or via check will be viewed by internal admin users and certain local LifeWise program personnel. Your emailed donation receipt will provide you with the option to respond and ask us to mark your donation “Anonymous.”  We will then update your gift so that any public use of donation information will be masked, however, internal users and local program personnel will still be able to view your donation information.

If you would like to remain truly anonymous (masking your information even from internal users and local program personnel), we recommend one of these three options:

  • Send a Money Order to our lockbox (without a detailed return address)
  • Request a Counter Check from your bank without your name on it and send it to our lockbox (without a detailed return address)
  • Grant out funding to a charity through a third party organization (see below)

If you elect to work through a third-party granting organization, we encourage you to consider opening a donor-advised fund and granting a gift to LifeWise, asking them to keep your grant anonymous.

This will allow the funding to be sent to LifeWise anonymously on your behalf from that organization, and you can still include any specific gift direction (i.e., a local LifeWise program).

Keep in mind that in this scenario, you would receive tax credit from that organization, not from LifeWise.

One such organization that we have worked with and can recommend is the National Christian Foundation (NCF). Within a few minutes on their website, you can:

  • Create a fund
  • Contribute to the fund
  • Grant out funding to a charity (Here is a link to our charity profile)
  • Mark the grant as anonymous
  • Your name will not be included in the grant payment to LifeWise if this option is selected
  • Provide direction on the funds (i.e., your local program)

As you will find with any third-party donor-advised fund, there are fees. You can find information on how NCF fees work here.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out through a support ticket at

LifeWise Academy | PO Box 1179 Hilliard, OH 43026 | Copyright 2024