The LifeWise Academy master brand logo. Use this for all LifeWise branded materials that are not for local programs.
Use on light backgrounds.
Use on dark backgrounds (red, dark gray, darker photo).
Use when a simplified version is needed in a design, as a watermark or on dark backgrounds (red, dark gray, darker photo).
Don’t remove or lose the leaves.
Don’t remove or lose the ribbon.
Don’t remove stars.
Nothing can touch or overlap the logo.
Don’t add type or a shape inside or over the shield.
Don’t change the colors of the stars, ribbon, text or shield.
Don’t distort the logo.
The LifeWise Academy Programs logo. Use this for all LifeWise Programs branded materials that are not for the master LifeWise brand.
Use on light backgrounds.
If height spacing is an issue, stars can be removed.
Use on dark backgrounds (red, dark gray, darker photo).
Use when a simplified version is needed in a design, as a watermark or on dark backgrounds (red, dark gray, darker photo).
Use when a simplified version is needed in a design, as a watermark or on dark backgrounds (red, dark gray, darker photo).
Don’t reposition stars.
Nothing can touch or overlap the logo.
Don’t change the colors of the stars or text.
Don’t distort the logo.
The DURING SCHOOL HOURS logo. Use this when During School Hours messaging is needed.
Use when information is needed to describe LifeWise.
Grays can be tinted.
Used in LifeWise
Middle School
Used in LifeWise
Middle School
Used for links
Agencies, vendors and programs are responsible for purchasing appropriate font licenses based on the proposed use.
Always use All Caps for Predator Slab Cut.
Zooja is used sparingly to add emphasis.
The LifeWise Academy icons are made with simple and clean lines.
Used as an overlay for text callouts or as an image overlay.
Used as section headings or callouts.
Used as bullet points.
Used as dividers.
Used as image placeholder or text callout.
Light Gray Gradient Background
Used when something subtle is needed on a page.
The LifeWise Academy bus has two main images to use.
The LifeWise Academy bus can be cropped off the page, but the logo should be visible.
Too often, Christian ministries gain a reputation for executing their missions with mediocrity. However, LifeWise must compete in the marketplace of the many programs and activities surrounding the life of a public school. Therefore, we are diligent to demonstrate excellence in every area, knowing that we represent the King.