Our Program is live and open for enrollment
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LifeWise Wadsworth is now available to 1st-4th graders in all of the five elementary schools!
All LifeWise classes are held during the students' lunch/recess period. Beginning in early January, we will be moving into our new site in downtown Wadsworth.
Registration is still open for all 1st-4th grade students. To enroll your student, click the "Enroll My Student" button at the top of this page. You can also find information on Wadsworth's Flyer Central, as well at each elementary school office.
We are in need of more classroom volunteers! If you are interested, please click the "Join Our Team" button at the top of this page to begin the application process.
If you have any questions, please contact the program director, Beth Falkenberg, at bethfalkenberg@lifewise.org
P.O. Box 73
Rittman, Ohio